Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 18: Country

Hi guys!

                How y’all be doin’? My past two days has been pretty sucky. Let me start here first: I was grounded 3 months ago because I got 2 Cs on my progress report. My grades continually got worse to the point where I was failing 3 classes and had a C in another all at once. Then I got my report card a few weeks ago and I got one of the failing grades up to a B and the other three were Cs. Well I finished one of the classes, Chemistry to be specific, with a C (and I struggled for it!!!!) but because I finished it, it doesn't factor into my grounding anymore. I now have a B in English, a B in Civics and Economics, and a C in Spanish 3. I could possibly get ungrounded next Monday or Tuesday because progress reports come out again but I might not be able to because I have that C in Spanish 3. Grrrr! *flips table*

                But anyway, here are the stats for today.

·         General Mood?: 3 or 4
·         Behavior?: about a 5 or 6
·         Genre Listened To?: country
·         Wants?: to get a B or better in Spanish!!

Thank you for reading and please comment with any, comments, questions, concerns, or general randomness you want to throw my way.

Bye guys!

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