Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 25: Country

Hi guys!

                How are y’all doin’? I’m pretty ok. I retook my Spanish class work thing today and I think I did really well on it. My teacher hasn't graded it yet so I still have to wait on that portion of my master plan to getting ungrounded. So tomorrow should be a big day of nerves about waiting for that. I got a test back in Physics that I did really, really well on. I got a 95% bizitches!!There were only 3 people in the entire class who did better than me and they got a 97%, 98%, and a 99% so I'm not that far away from the top.

                But any who, here are my stats for today.
·         General Mood?: 5-ish
·         Behavior?: 6 or 7
·         Genre Listened To?: country
·         Wants?: to get a B in Spanish

Thank you for reading and please comment with any, comments, questions, concerns, or general randomness you want to throw my way.

Bye guys!

Day 24: Country

Hi guys!

                My day today was pretty ok. I’m still grounded because I got a C in Spanish. Saddness. But my mom told me that when I bring that up to a B I can get ungrounded. Yahootie!! All I have to do is go in tomorrow after school, retake a little class work thing, get my teacher to put in the new grade, get a printout of it and BLAM I’m ungrounded. And to sweeten the pot, my mom said that once I get the grade up, I can buy some hair bleach and dye and do the tips of my hair! I’ve done them before but my hair was longer and I dyed it neon green. It looked really good until the green started to fade and it turned yellow. This time I’m thinking of dying it purple. Like this...
So with all things considered, here are my stats.

·         General Mood?: 6 or 7
·         Behavior?: 6
·         Genre Listened To?: country
·         Wants?: to get a B in Spanish (still)

Thank you for reading and please comment with any, comments, questions, concerns, or general randomness you want to throw my way.

Bye guys!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 22: Country

Hi guys!
                So my past couple of days has been pretty ok-ish. On Saturday, I got to hang out with my friend Mikey for a little bit. He’s really awesome. Progress reports came out today, at least they were supposed to. I got my Civics & Economics one and it is currently an 84.578% which gets rounded up to an 85% and that, my dear, dear readers, IS A FREAKING B!!!! *has a party* I haven’t received any of my other ones yet so fingers crossed guys! 
                So here are my stats for the past. . . I have no idea how long but whatever.
·         General Mood?: 5 or 6
·         Behavior?: 6 or 7
·         Genre Listened To?: country
·         Wants?: to do well in my other classes and get ungrounded!!!!

Thank you for reading and please comment with any, comments, questions, concerns, or general randomness you want to throw my way.

Bye guys!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 18: Country

Hi guys!

                How y’all be doin’? My past two days has been pretty sucky. Let me start here first: I was grounded 3 months ago because I got 2 Cs on my progress report. My grades continually got worse to the point where I was failing 3 classes and had a C in another all at once. Then I got my report card a few weeks ago and I got one of the failing grades up to a B and the other three were Cs. Well I finished one of the classes, Chemistry to be specific, with a C (and I struggled for it!!!!) but because I finished it, it doesn't factor into my grounding anymore. I now have a B in English, a B in Civics and Economics, and a C in Spanish 3. I could possibly get ungrounded next Monday or Tuesday because progress reports come out again but I might not be able to because I have that C in Spanish 3. Grrrr! *flips table*

                But anyway, here are the stats for today.

·         General Mood?: 3 or 4
·         Behavior?: about a 5 or 6
·         Genre Listened To?: country
·         Wants?: to get a B or better in Spanish!!

Thank you for reading and please comment with any, comments, questions, concerns, or general randomness you want to throw my way.

Bye guys!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 16: Country

Hi guys!
                How have all of your weeks been? My week’s been pretty ok, I guess. I started my two weeks of country! Yee-haw! My older sister, Brenna, is putting some good, old country on my MP3 so I don’t have to listen to the newer country-crossover/ pop-y stuff.
But anyways, Sunday, Monday, and today have been kind of ish days.  It snowed on Saturday and my little sister, Robin, and I decided to take a walk down to Starbucks. Best. Decision. Ever! I brought my camera with me, just because I never leave home without it, and I got some really awesome shots of Robbie and the scenery. I’ll probably post them in another entry but right now I have something important to do.

·         General Mood?: 4 or 5
·         Behavior?: 7
·         Positive Levels?: 4
·         Genre Listened to?: country
·         Wants?: sleep

Thank you for reading and please comment with any, comments, questions, concerns, or general randomness you want to throw my way.
Bye guys!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 11: Rock

Hi guys!
                Happy Valentine’s Day to all!

                Today was one of the best days I've had in a long time. Earlier I was kind of bummed because I saw all these people at school with balloons, bears and chocolates from their special someone and I didn't get anything because I don’t go to school with my boyfriend  and I’m grounded. But then after school, Taylor’s at my house with a little stuffed dog, chocolates, and a card and I nearly burst into tears. It was the sweetest thing ever. Our 4 month was last Friday and I didn't get to talk to him then so today was really awesome. I miss that boy. :/
                Any who, I've decided to change what I’m recording my mood and stuff with so I can easily compile all my data later. All of it will be on a scale from 1 to 10, (other than what obviously can't be) one being the worst (sorry 1 :( ) and 10 being the best. I’ll go back and edit my old posts so they fit the new scale but I just wanted to tell y’all first. So, yeah. Here’s today’s data in the new format.
·         General Mood?: about an 8
·         Behavior?: 6
·         Positive Levels?: 8
·         Genre listened to?: rock
·         Wants?: chocolate!! :)

Now for the ending spiel. Thank you for reading and please comment with any well, comments, questions, concerns, or general randomness you want to throw my way. Happy Valentine’s Day! (again)
Bye guys!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 8: Rock (I'm so sorry!!)

Hi guys!

 I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in a few days. I’ve been overwhelmed with school stuff and home stuff so I’ve decided that if this trend continues, I will limit my posts to 3 a week and make my test periods to 2 weeks. I know it sucks but deal with it.

                So any who, this will be my first post for the week. I’ve been kind of stressed because last Thursday, some idgit brought a gun to school. Fun fact, he rode the bus I was on that morning! Don’t worry, he was arrested and all is some-what well again but it still freaked me out. Also, I have been working so fracking hard on my school stuff so I can get ungrounded on Feb. 25th or 26th when progress reports come out so fingers crossed guys! Umm, what else? *drums fingers on chin* I got new and better headphones so I could listen to my music without having to hold the plug in the jack a certain way, position my mouth just right, and pray that they don’t cut out. And, as a bonus, they look like gummy bears! They were like $4 at Rugged Warehouse so go check them out! (They're black and smell like fruit.)
            Also, I rediscovered 2 bands that are so amazing. They’re We Are The In Crowd and All Time Low. I personally count them as rock so I can listen to them during this week. *does happy dance*

                But ok! Here is my report for today!
·         General Mood?: 5 or 6
·         Behavior?: 5
·         Positive Levels?: 5-ish
·         Genre Listened To?: rock
·         Wants?: not to have to do this project

Thanks for reading and please comment with any questions, comments, concerns, of general randomness you want to throw my way. But if you really want to comment with something that would be helpful, comment below with what genre you think I should listen to next. Again, thanks for all you guys do. 

Bye guys!